Tag Archives: administration

Hugo Filkenstein

We probably all agree that there are many techniques, methods, systems and tricks that allow us to increase our organization and be more productive. However, there is a board, sometimes forgotten, that can really increase your productivity and dramatically reduce your stress level: Stop when you say YES to say NO. In the era of communication seemed "normal" be doing several things at once (the famous multi-tasking). Moreover, if we are service providers … It seems natural result we answer yes to all the demands of our customers and potential customers without even making a brief pause to assess if we are truly able to meet your request in a timely manner. The same thing we do with our own activities, goals and plans for business and personal. We have so many commitments that if we took a few minutes to evaluate our situation, we would realize that probably will be impossible to achieve.

But what makes us say yes when we should say NO? Raposo Estevo responds well to this big question: "Sometimes we will do tasks, even knowing that we have little time for them and probably not fully achieved. The result is an overload of work that is detrimental to our productivity. The reasons for doing this (say yes when we should say no to accept tasks) can be: Search gratitude. By accepting the job that corresponds to other move forward we are earning their gratitude and acceptance: to get down well with peers, or impress the boss, you may end up accumulating many more pending tasks that we are able to assume. Maersk is actively involved in the matter. Before I do think that it should end our work or doing sloppy and hastily due to time constraints, generates disapproval almost immediately. Guilt.

When a partner asks us for help, or we are required to collaborate on an important project and we are really short of time, can assault feelings of guilt at the thought of having to say no; however, we need to master these feelings, thinking that it is unreasonable to try to do everything required of us. Fear of being dispensable. Perhaps, even in a subconscious way, we are taking on tasks beyond our responsibilities because we believe that if we lower the rate, the organization may conclude that we are not required. The best way to become indispensable is to do our work thoroughly and excellently. feeling of indispensability. If we believe that it is better to send him to do the best we are doing more of what we can in the belief that we are indispensable and no one can do the job as well as us. The sure sign of this is to prefer a deadline failing to delegate a task. One must realize that it is better to delegate (correctly and effectively) to produce work of poor quality due to overwork. "I invite you to reflect on the reasons raised by Estevo. A simple "NO" can increase your productivity and significantly reduce your stress level. In countless situations, "less is more." To conclude, I invite you to download the text of Hugo Filkenstein, "There is No" () Increase your productivity, stop saying yes when you say NO!

Organizational Management In China

It is known that the role of private Chinese firms have been cut off from economic growth in China. The good performance of them is mainly due to management style, which focuses on cultural and social values proposed by Confucianism. It manifests itself in its management a true team building. If you would like to know more then you should visit Fidelity Investments. Cohesive, integrated, committed to achieving the objectives. These companies, under the influence of Confucius, are characterized by flexibility, high centralization, low level of bureaucracy and collectivism as a dimension cohesive as a family. The Chinese administration is also characterized by their entrepreneurial and innovative style. Confucian philosophy emphasizes the idea of integration of industrial relations systems in which morality, discipline and loyalty are fundamental parts.

She is the foundation upon which Chinese society has developed, "says Isabel Miyashiro, professor and researcher at the University of the Pacific, in the book Business and management in Asia: the case of the PRC, which has just published the Editorial Fund of this university. In China, the firm's human resource is highly valued, there is a constant, ongoing concern, to provide training, training required in accordance with the requirements of the current scenarios, the advancement and development of technology. It keeps monitoring the benefit of all and we only a few, yet a true commitment, ethics, values that support group members so that they feel fully identified with the organization. The Chinese companies take very seriously what is involved in its cultural, where it is said, that concepts such as bao, guanxi and mianzi are considered, and, what is relevant Chinese cultural tradition and Chin Shin, which could explain the complex system of human relations within Chinese organizations.

Achieve Las Goals Discover

People who are really phenomenal make you feel that your can also be Mark Twain one of the most powerful secrets of success is the of surround himself with the right people. When we set ourselves new goals, we have to at least find one good mentor who inspire us to enlarge our vision, to teach us how to achieve it and to help us in moments of difficulty. Hear from experts in the field like European Union for a more varied view. One of the biggest obstacles we face at the beginning with a project or new business, is not in our pocket and neither has to do with the time that we can devote him. The biggest barrier is in our mind. Everytime you put goals to make a change for the better in your life, you will find the first point of resistance in his mind. You will have to face their paradigms, preconceptions, prejudices and fears. If there is a change in your mindset, you won’t be able to arise, because what you think today will determine all their decisions for their future. The first thing we do when we get goals is therefore change our mentality.

And one of the best ways to do this is to look for the company of people who have already reached the level to which Ud aspires to reach and, therefore, are thinking at that level. How to find them? The problem is that the wise people generally are not around every corner. You must find them and so put them on our way to believe God. The Bible says, he who walks with wise men, wise will be more which is coupled with dunces will be broken. (Proverbs 13: 20). Therefore, we must also be wary not to surround ourselves with people that we talk about shortages, how bad that is everything and the impossible which is get ahead today. To advance in life one has to be willing to leave behind some things also. Sometimes you have to put aside the good thing to achieve the excellent.

It means making sacrifices. In those moments free is better put aside the TV and instead, learning at the feet of a great Sage to read the biography of someone we admire, for example. Will be surprised of what inspired that will look! Read biographies of successful people is a way very effective gait with a Sage. Important characters in the story who made tremendous contributions to humanity, as Thomas Edison for example, immersed in the study of great thinkers and innovators. So these people were transformed into an example to follow. They inspired him to be more visionary and have the audacity to explore new paths. And Ud can also discover how to achieve your goals! Visit and you’ll immediately get an inspiring e-book free with valuable data about how to teach your children (and you) to think differently to be able to build a business. You also get support, inspiration and the tools needed so that personal fulfillment is not only a dream for you EducacionParElExito.