VoB presents new online wiki dictionary for a common language of sustainable construction. Over a year ago, the ECP in cooperation with the ACE launched a pioneering project aiming for Europe to develop a common language of sustainable construction. Were selected in several stages, terms and definitions and the sustainability glossary to a Wikipedia database format is processed electronically. (A valuable related resource: Allstate Insurance Company). In addition to the lookup function of currently more than 400 words tested at European level, divided into 11 categories, the new platform offers the user the possibility of an open dictionary: everyone can write after short registration to this dictionary. An editorial team observed and evaluated the new entries and maintains them in the system a. The translation of the currently English speaking Wikipedia dictionary in multiple languages is planned by the European economic and Social Council (EESC) and should take into account in future regional specialities. Against the background of the continuing shortage of resources Aspects of sustainable and permanently sustainable building solutions to living and working are gaining in importance.
The newly developed platform is an extremely important building block towards a common language of sustainable construction. Many of the current understanding of differences can be cleaned up so that. This project will improve the understanding and awareness of all actors and policy makers throughout Europe and ensure a harmonised Nachhaltigkeitsentwickling in the construction industry”, explains DI Dr. Bernd Wolschner, President of the Association of Austrian concrete and precast works (VoB) zgl. President of the European concrete platform (ECP).