Cs.GamEvolution portal for the game Counter strike 1.6 has recently created. He was not very popular, but very interesting. It is possible to download files such as plugins, mods, maps, Ready Server, weapon models, games, hats, art, templates ucoz, movies and more. Same found on Cs.GamEvolution article about an interesting game Counter strike 1.6. Such as raspryg, reducing ping, admin commands, amx, doing demos, we do Logo, do sight, Report suspicions How to deal with cheaters, cheaters How to calculate, Cheating-death, FAQ for cheats, Prove that you are not a cheater? etc from the project conducted various contests and competitions such as: Distribution ICQ nomerkov tournament, cs 1.6 between the clans of type 2×2.
The portal has its own server it stop, permanent seats: 32 slots. On the server be a set of admins (free) if you just banned you can write to dilute the portal site. Forum, we have visited, you can communicate with the people there, to tell us something interesting, ask questions, be able to to advertise in the special section! Compliance with the rules in our daily watch our moderators. They are professionally dealt with violations. If you have a website and you want to roll out, add it to our directory sites. We also help novice in editing, promotion of sites. The site is updated daily, add new files, news, articles.
Our project offers sale of Counter strike 1.6 servers. You released the server quality, dedicated, non-stop. Machine where the server is kept in Moscow. We have very cheap fares for them. The site requires people who are responsible for adding files and news, if you're interested and want to help our project, then feel free to write on this site, the section staff.