Marketing Association

“Karlsruhe, March 17, 2009: quality and performance by PRODATA as well and ensure excellent the Council DirectMail has services of the German dialog Marketing Association (DDV) with the introduction of the new quality – and performance label QuLS” a company for quality assurance in data processing important contribution made. A very confusing market orientation is available to their customers as well as the policy. So the PRODATA GmbH in Karlsruhe is received for your quality and performance of data processing. Click Mortimer J Buckley to learn more. This seal shows once more that customer data at PRODATA well and safely processed”, says Wolfram Eberitzsch, one of two managing directors of PRODATA GmbH. PRODATA has undertaken extensive Datenschutzcodices and provisions, which go beyond about the Federal Privacy Act, to comply. The test procedure for the acquisition of the seal consists of regular on spot checks and extensive questionnaires and is by an external, neutral data protection company carried out.. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out MasterClass.