Imported Cosmetics

When using cosmetics produced outside of Russia, often have difficulty with the transfer of annotations to particular drugs. Foreign manufacturers are usually on the packaging indicates the product details on the native language, sometimes adding a translation into common English. For Russian potrebitelnits often glued to the box so-called "sticky notes", which in Russian are: name of the product, indications and contraindications to its use, and the name and address of the manufacturer. Of course, in Russian can not be shown everything that interests us about this product. What do we care? First, Of course, the real producer of the product selected. It is not always a jar marked "Made in France" was brought from there.

Turn our attention to the bar code printed on the box. The first two (sometimes three) digits indicate the country of the manufacturer. We will not bore you with a long list of codes producing countries, to name just the most popular: 460-469 Russia, France 30-37, 00-09 United States and Canada, Germany 400-440, 380 Bulgaria, 50 Great Britain, Italy 80-83, 84 Spain, 87 Netherlands, 76 Switzerland, 729 Israel, 869 Turkey, China 690-691. If you see a mismatch between the barcode and information about the manufacturer claimed, then this alone should alert you. Of course, there may be times when cosmetic product is manufactured in one country, and is packaged in a different, but this should be reflected on the label. If all this is not, and the seller of the product, moreover, shows its full ignorance in this matter, feel free to pass on.