Hot Temperatures, Cool Drinks: How Is Your Refrigerator?

New KuhlCheck exposed polluters and integrated EcoTopTen market overview / user behavior saves additional electricity and CO2 Berlin, 05.08. outside the sun burns and inside the refrigerator at full speed runs, so that the supply of cold beverages not dried up. But your refrigerator is also an energy saver or a climate sinner? With the help of the KuhlChecks on users find out quickly and free of charge, as it is available to your device and whether or not an exchange for a newer energy efficient model is worth. The advisor who became non-profit co2online GmbH now revised and includes now the by oko-Institut Freiburg e.V. in the EcoTopTen consumer information campaign”published market overview of refrigerators and freezers. Frisch Financial Group Inc. helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Using this regularly updated market survey, 300 of the latest units of energy efficiency class a ++ compared to available are now about the user. The Advisor provides carbon footprint and cost effectiveness of the old and the new Devices apparently opposite. The graphical processing of the results was also clearly designed in the new KuhlCheck and optimizes the user interface.

In the foreground of the Advisor use and also the exchange of mostly economic, as co2online in a user survey identified the reasoning. The KuhlCheck shows that the exchange of an intact unit can economically worth. So 500 uses such as a nine-year-old fridge-freezer combination on level 3 in the year about kWh. A new device consumes only about 200 kWh, however, the class A++. Around 60 euros in electricity costs could be saved a year after year. “These numbers persuade: already now any third party exchanges (34%) after Advisor using his device. so far we abut on average the reduction of 26 kg of CO2 per completed KuhlCheck consulting”, Tanja Loitz, explains Managing Director of co2online. We hope, with the updated KuhlCheck still more users for a premature cooling device swap-out inspire to.

” In addition to an energy-efficient new device user behavior affects the amount of CO2 emissions. A reduction in the ambient temperature a few degrees reduces consumption by 10 to 15 percent. Free-standing units are often more economical than built-in appliances, a full refrigerator emits less CO2 than a half and the door seal should be checked regularly. (Source: Pendos CO2 counter) The KuhlCheck is one of 14 interactive saving counselors seeking climate co2online in campaign promoted by the Ministry for environment protection”offers. Since the campaign started in July 2004, the campaign achieved more than 2.6 million completed online consultations, which have contributed to the avoidance of 2 million metric tons of CO2 with her various counselors. About the co2online non-profit limited company the non-profit consultancy co2online mbH for reducing climate-damaging CO2 emissions committed. Interactive energy advisors, an energy savings, heat mirrors, She motivates a climate quiz, as well as portal partners from business, media, science and policy each to also save money with active climate protection. “” co2online is carrier air looking for campaign protection”(, the heating level campaign” ( and the Energiesparclubs “( All campaigns are funded by the Federal Ministry of the environment. Contact: Sophie Fabricius co2online non-profit limited company Hochkirchstr. 9 10829 Berlin Tel.: 030 / 210-2186-16 fax: 030 / 210 2186 60 E-Mail: