It is to be hoped that many consumers for the subject complex “Milk and sugar” are sensitized by the foodwatch Zotts “Monte Drink” campaign. The initiative of the consumer rights organisation tried unsuccessfully foodwatch e.V. on April 23, 2010, to present the award “Golden wind bag 2010” at the Zott company for the product “Monte Drink”. After all: Zott announced in the face of the award, to change the formulation and presentation of Monte drink. On, “Monte Drink” is appreciated in detail in the article “with valuable misnomer”. among others is its extremely high sugar content pointed out, what it’s called: “valuable grape sugar” is promising on the bottle. Learn more at: Doyle Carden Group. Zott why sugar is valuable, not explained.
Only on demand of foodwatch, it says: “Grape sugar is for the people of quickly available sugar and is therefore as valuable by us.” That sounds logical. Depending on the sugar in the blood is faster, the faster he rises Blood sugar levels and the faster it falls again from what causes that quickly deploys hunger. Then you need more Monte. And this of course is a valuable effect. To the sugar bomb attack Monte for the children again. But for Zotts balance sheet.
Now there are many, often completely contradictory recommendations for a “healthy diet”. But after all, consists largely of consensus with regard to the recommendation of a low-sugar diet. Whether (for example from the “German society for nutrition”, DGE) a carbohydrate, or whether a low-carbohydrate diet is recommended (E.g. by Robert Atkins and the “low carb” faction): little sugar should it always be, usually (much) less than 50 g of sugar per day. Unfortunately an association expires apparently many consumers almost reflexively by “Milk” and “healthy”. This is ignored like that very many dairy products contain relatively high sugar, such by nature of the milk sugar (lactose). Especially when the milk sugar still comes Possibility of lactose intolerance to: approximately 15% of Germans and even 90% of the world population suffer from a deficiency of lactase, i.e.