The subject of addictions is something very serious and, therefore, faced with cases of this kind must act with great care and prudence. So a person can overcome his addiction, the first step is to admit you have a problem of this type. Therefore it is very important to the family, loved ones, to understand the situation faced by the and to offer him help selflessly and without exerting any pressure (since in the case of an addict is counterproductive), inform themselves of the options that exist to give treatment, best, within which you can access the raise and give their unconditional support in the rehabilitation processthat can be sometimes very long. How he is recognized and an addiction is fought while all addictions are harmful, for the addicted person, both for those who surround him, there are some that are recognized and are fighting more easily than others. Personality factors have a weight within the development of addiction. Low self esteem and frustration, both by the family, and intolerance as well as the addicted, they may worsen the situation at an alarming rate. One of the biggest problems for the study and treatment of this badly so widespread, today, is the belief that who suffers from it is a vicious, immoral, incapable of controlling their emotions and instincts, and worthy of contempt or rejection, when it is precisely through compression and the support of those who surround you as you can find the force required for their recovery. The rebelliousness of adolescents can manifest itself in various ways, but the really serious problem is when this rebellion manifested through any addiction that can destroy their targets, cancel their motivations, they annihilate them neurologically or directly kill them. During this stage of life, characterized by the remarkable changes that causes both physical and emotional, development young people experience periods of depression during which, in the case of access to drugs and experience its use as part of a pattern of behavior followed by the group to which they belong, can acquire an addiction.