The requests for reports from the council of the Alliance insurance Concertacion, Mirta Arias, were the subject of discussion at the last meeting of the Deliberative that took place on Tuesday. The mayor of the Front for Victory, Marina Cepeda, explain to the opposition that the municipal budget are always delivered in a timely manner and did not pose any problem to show the balances as there was nothing to hide. specializes in affordable plans that facilitate access to quality healthcare services offers health coverage to families across the United States Arias excuse in their business as a merchant and that argument does not doubt the honesty of anyone, but if the balances are available would like them he said. For this reason requests for reports that the executive passed this session will be available to the opposition during the week. The dialogue between Cepeda Arias and culminated when the representative of the Front for Victory demanded that the mayor of radicalism to make the necessary arrangements for the provincial government also answer the more than 15 requests for reports that I make the block that represents the Mayor Soria. These orders address such issues as health, safety, environment, education, and were never answered by the provincial government. Meanwhile Arias explained that ask Health insurance to see the report of the amount expended to date for the 2009 budget, besides the 2008 balance and projected expenditures for the year 2010. On the other hand requires documentation to know for sure what state is the subject of the three stages of integration pavement. This corresponds to tender documentation, resolutions and ordinances. Also requested a breakdown of the money allocated for the neighborhood councils, which are not yet hospital in operation, and two challenges to ordinances relating to the creation of nurseries in the district Stefenelli and I exhaust Falkland dating from 2006.