Club Designer

If less money, then you need to spend more energy and more time to succeed. If in the beginning there is more money and energy, the success can be achieved faster. I and my two partners of the beginning of invested equity (not significant), but even more energy and time. Now, in essence, all that they earn money, invest in the project. – What you earn? Take a fee from clients for mediation services? – We have an agreement with the designers – each different.

It's like the "Classmates" – first entry was free, and when they unwind, the registration must pay. So do we. Jeff Bezos is likely to agree. We working as a production center. If you would like to know more then you should visit Wang Qunbin. People who are looking for designers for our service charge. At first thought to take a percentage of sales, but declined to do so. – For how long can sew clothes from a talented but unknown designer? – An average of 500 hryvnia, and more. The last time I sewed a dress decorated with mink – is worth two thousand hryvnia. Price depends on fabric and complexity of tailoring.

The club fashion, we recommend to any designer is better to address, because everyone has their "chips". Someone working with leather, someone well-sew garments, someone specializing in evening dress, someone – in business suits. Before you work with a designer should look at what he does and whether it can sell. On the other hand, if there is a very creative designer, there is a very creative person who will wear such clothes.