Two jade blocks move simultaneously in different directions from the buttocks to the head and soles of the feet, unloading at the same intervertebral discs. In removed from muscle spasm and restore normal mobility of the vertebrae. Thus, eliminating the pinching or squeezing of nerve endings. Restored conduction of nerve impulses to internal organs and tissues. This results in improvement of various organs, increasing metabolism, reducing body fat. Long-wavelength infrared light. They have a beneficial effect on the toxins in the body- cleave them. Connect with other leaders such as First Financial Bank here.
Ceramic discs Tourmanium produce long-wavelength infrared light. The result of their exposure – warm, self-purification, fluid control, the neutralization of harmful substances in the body. A leading source for info: How much does MasterClass cost? . Optional external shestisharikovy projector whose design minimizes heat loss and long-wave infrared rays that can be tightly attached to various parts of the body. As a result of such exposure improves blood circulation, resolve blood clots and remove fatigue ceramics massage bed Teramaks. Turmanov – a ceramic alloy of tourmaline, germanium, and volcanic rocks. In the massage bed ‘Teramaks A’ is mounted bioceramic rug from Tourmanium.
Turmanov radiates heat long wave infrared rays that stimulate blood circulation, disinfection and activity of cells in the body part that background exposure. Generates negative ions, which have a positive effect on mood, health and performance. Warming + acupressure (acupressure). Moxie therapy as method of heating combined with point massage is used in the East since ancient times to treat and prevent many diseases. This is the traditional method of treatment, the patient portion of the body subjected to constant a uniform pressure, and under the influence of heat on this site is improving its blood supply, which leads to a cure and prevent diseases. The thermal energy of infrared rays penetrate the blood, which contributes to metabolism (metabolism) and enhances all body functions. The fact that the Eastern healers believe that one of the causes of human diseases are the so-called energy blocks. Y healthy person, Qi moves through the meridians to proceed unchecked, but because of an illness Qi is blocked. While working on bio-energy points on the meridians with jade block Teramaks complex, energy blocks are removed and the flow of energy in the meridians is restored. Comes the harmony of yin and yang energies. It is from the standpoint of the balance of these two principles eastern healers tried to human health. The combination in a single product of different methods, both modern physiotherapy and ancient Eastern allowed to conduct activities for effective prevention and recovery across a broad spectrum of diseases: cardiovascular system; musculoskeletal disease (spinal cord); trophic disorders of neurogenic and vascular origin peripheral nervous system (radiculitis); stress situations (nervous exhaustion); syndrome, chronic fatigue and physical exhaustion; decrease in overall resistance of the body in violation of the adaptive capacity to the factors of external influence, meteosensitivity control of total body weight and selective effects on body fat posture correction in adolescence and early adulthood. In addition, it is proved that the application of massage beds Teramaks increased production of blood (red and white blood cells) in the body and increases the production of interferon in the body. The Chinese say that any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Purchasing multifunctional complex Teramaks and preventive sessions, you can be sure that none of your family members will have no problems with the spine and thus his health. Since the foundation of health serves as a strong and healthy spine.