You’ve heard about this type of variety? The cabernet franc is a vine variety Black with a medium cluster of elongated form, giving as a result a small grain, spherical of thin skin. This variety of grape is also known as Breton, Veron, Plant Breton, Bouchet Boucky and Board. This type of grape is native to the region of Bordeaux and like the merlos and sauvignon, is part of the family better known as the cabernets. The wine produced from this grape variety, has a lightweight body, as well as less color and less acidity than the rest of the cabernets, but is more aromatic. In fact used with cabernet sauvignon, to soften its aggressiveness and its intense color, as well as to accelerate their ageing. This variety of grape, is early maturing and grows in very cold weather, so that it constitutes an excellent alternative of cultivation in very extreme weather conditions.
Most of the vineyards in this type of variety, found in the regions of Bordeaux and the Valley Loire. Both localities in France. You may find that Bitcoin can contribute to your knowledge. In Spain, according to the order APA/1819/June 13, 2007, the variety cabernet franc is a variety of grapes for wine production, recommended in the Catalonia region. A. Verastegui original author and source of the article