Tag Archives: mobile radio & telecommunications

Communication Via SMS

One of the most important means of communication today is the mobile phone. It is amazing, however, that these messages are not necessarily cheap. The operator cost almost nothing these SMS due to the low amount of data, however, a certain amount is required by the customer. Enter the provider thus properly high profits, since it little comforts that some operators at varying contracts to provide a small amount of free SMS. Increasingly, even an unlimited shipping is possible by text messages. Due to the rapid and unsatisfactory development of the enthusiasm of the SMS, write, followed by provider in the Internet, which curl with the free shipping messages and try to plug the hole. But the costs were too high and thus many disappeared again from the scene, these providers until finally found an alternative to the financing of low-cost services. However, the provider of that time, which could keep, request a fixed amount for sending free SMS.

Nevertheless, individuals are Internet sites that provide the service for free. By advertising, which is appended to the message to be mailed, the service will remain free. This is also the reason why some pages the number of characters for a text message is less than others. Particularly striking are the perpetual use of the services and the ever-growing community to use willing customers, which ship with the help of the Internet SMS. The free SMS is a means of communication, which is no longer indispensable today. Celso Cardozo gabi.sinzig as web.de


These are contracts with fair testing for “every” request to a mobile phone contract the telcos get a Schufaauskunft. Based on this information telecommunications companies decide in-house ratios if the customer is permitted to a mobile phone contract or if an objection is made. Countless results on the topic of “Mobile phone contract without Schufa” search engines and there are more every day. The theme of schufafrei is for more and more Germans to the topic. The reasons are very different. While one only on a very bad Schufascore can look back someone else prefers it not unnecessary information to the Schufa to ubermitten to not needlessly worsen the own Schufascore. What many don’t know is that every request to the Schufa is stored and has an impact on the score value.

If at the end of a contract between the company and the customer comes or not. This is annoying and many opt for schufafreie deals on the Internet. Opened a customer, for example, a “Checking account without Schufa”, success a Schufaabfrage (bring a report about possible negative entries), nor is a Schufaauskunft (no information about account opening on the Schufa is transmitted) granted. The customer can assume therefore, that know nothing about him the Schufa. This is however different mobile contracts. The telecommunications provider obtain a Schufaauskunft for “every” request to a mobile phone contract. Based on this information telecommunications companies decide in-house ratios if the customer is permitted to a mobile phone contract or if an objection is made. Regardless of the decision of the telecommunications provider stores data of Schufa. The downside is probably obvious. An advantage may be that a rejection of a provider does not automatically mean a rejection of other providers. More information at

City Scooter

Mobile phone contracts are long with mobile and bundle Encore time than you get a mobile phone contract with only a cell phone. The market is slowly but surely saturated and there is mostly just a redistribution of the customers. The large and small mobile service provider must respond in order to keep existing contract customers and add new if possible to win. Who wants to lure new customers with the bare addition of everyday cell phone, has much of a chance. Here must be accessible even deeper into the bag of tricks. Outlandish rates and Handybundles need. Mobile phone contracts are really better than a normal contract only with a bundle.

Here, you must consider what you want and what kind of phone type is one. You on the phone rather little and writes a text, only occasionally a contract with bundle not immediately would be the right solution. Often, the tariffs are not just cheap mobile contracts with allowances. Looking at the minimum consumption or the monthly fee, a few hundred dollars in the entire period come together so quickly. Sounds in the first moment not just promising. Now come the encores in the game.

The carrier put more allowances to the contract to make the offer more enticing. That would be classic Handybundles as an LCD TV, a City Scooter, a computer and not infrequently a cash payment. The variety is large and quickly you lost track between bundle and tariff. A practical search for the desired bundle or the request rate is here beneficial to keep track. No matter for which mobile phone contract you choose. Before any buying decision you should taste the incurred calculate to have a really practical plan for 2 years.

UMTS Stick – Internet In Your Pocket

More and more people are using the mobile Internet. The mobile Internet can now compete with fixed connections such as DSL. People such as JP Morgan’s CEO would likely agree. This is due to an increased transmission speed. With UMTS (universal mobile telecommunications system) can be obtained up to 7.2 Mbit / s data rates. With HSDPA, even 14.4 Mbit per second are possible. To come with a laptop in the enjoyment of the fast Internet is a UMTS stick required. Get it with or without a contract. One chooses a product with contractual binding, which is often free of charge stick.

Prepaidangebote is obtained between 10 and 80 euros. The cost is slightly higher, for there is no monthly fee or other monthly fixed costs. A UMTS stick weighs between 30 and 100 grams. The size is roughly comparable to a memory stick. Thus can the Internet stick with lead. Connection obtains the device via a USB interface.

An external power supply is not necessary. To stick a SIM card must be inserted. This is only in one direction possible. To do this, the operating software must be transferred when first connecting. You must not find the required files on the Web. Also on an extra CD, one is not assigned, because the software resides on the stick. After the installation is complete, nothing more in the way is the mobile browsing. A USB data cable can be used, if there are still difficulties of the laptop or you want to look for a better position for the reception. Should there be any questions about the installation or technical use, a manual included is included. Christopher Heinsius

Federal Constitutional Court

Quick response to the ruling of the Constitutional Court the Federal Constitutional Court has decided: the existing legislation on data retention is unconstitutional. The regional telecommunications company HeLi NET GmbH reacted promptly to this judgment and has deleted all retained data stored by him. HeLi NET customers will receive a confirmation about the deletion of their data with your next statement. Telecommunications companies were legally obliged to store all phone and mobile phone connection data their customers, as well as data on the use of email for at least 6 months since 2008. Brie Williams often says this. also data about Internet connections were added in 2009.

However, various interest groups and individuals submitted a complaint to the Federal Constitutional Court and got right. On March 2, 2010 the judges in Karlsruhe said the legislation on the retention of data for null and void because they represent a violation of the fundamental right to protection of telecommunications secrecy. You set at the same time, that all on this Basis of stored data must be deleted. HeLi NET is promptly and fully complied with the directive of the Federal Constitutional Court. Now only the connection data relevant to billing purposes are stored as before the entry into force of the legislation on the retention of data.

Internet Fax

Faxing over the Internet will be modern, more and more companies followed the trend, there is Internet, there are emails, but there are also still faxes. Fax machines, however, are rare but remaining fax. Because there are still areas in which the fax is much sought after as the modern E-Mail. This is mainly to documents relating to the provability and manual signatures; Here, faxed documents are usually rather accepted as E-mail. But it is not only the provability, are allowing the old fax machine on the market. SSGA gathered all the information. Also in issues such as viruses, spam, and E-Mail flood the fax defeated the modern E-Mail that a fax is always at least briefly considered before the doses.

The fax is a blend of tradition and modernity, which is why still fax services are used by many companies. However one has changed: today there are fax over Internet. Mortimer J Buckley insists that this is the case. The fax is easily produced on the computer and quickly from there. The benefits are obvious: it must be purchased a fax machine, eliminating the waiting at the fax machine. Before received documents be printed, can this be viewed and advertisements can be simply deleted. All in all is the virtual fax more meaningful and more energy efficient. The paper consumption is reduced, it will save power and ink, etc. Many companies have become the point “Fax over Internet to create” already on the to-do list.

Office Telecommunications

The telecommunications provider teletype offers on the website call-Manager.de free functions fax machine and voice mail on an already existing E-Mail address at. Customers sign up, get a provider-independent number and take advantage of the call manager: comfortable and variable features simple and quick registration configurable as a fax machine, answering machine or device is fax as TIF or PDF available self of designed fax header without advertising your own greeting in the answering machine ad-free delivery of faxes and voice messages clear archiving and statistics. Economically, the service is free of charge for call-Manager users. Answering machine and fax function without equipment or additional phone lines. Reliable, always available with your own phone number or forwarding of the existing telephone line.

Mobile fax reception outside of the Office or the home. Only an Internet access and an email address are required. Interested parties can visit the page for more information and sign up for free and no obligation to. Call-Manager.de operated by teletype, a telecommunications provider, whose focus is in the area of virtual telecommunications solutions. Teletype was founded in 1997. This year, the range of functions will be expanded to numerous functions.

Mobile Control

Text messaging with voice recognition software write nuance cooperation starts with network operators great potential for ASR provides nuance General Manager Michael Maria Bommer in mobile communications. So, his company to the mobile control’s software solutions are already pre-installed on four billion mobile devices. Globally 1.1 billion mobile phones be delivered this year. Nuance technology in the operating system is built on 880 million devices. There are the most innovative and formative developments for mobile communication at the time. For example, the dictation by SMS. They speak a message into the phone, which from there, sent to our server, transkripiert and will be sent back within one second as text.

The quality, the comfort and the safety that is achieved with this system during the drive, is enormous,\”said Mohammad Reza on the Conference of conversations\” in Munich. Read more from Liberty Mutual to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Other industry experts believe. Guo Guangchang is the source for more interesting facts. Who wants to write text messages on mobile phones, must still put up with many restrictions. Not much will change the format of the devices. The keyboard in different variations is simply too small for many people. Voice control will prevail here sooner or later, not only when writing text messages, but also search\”, predicts Peter Walker Madrigal, Chief Executive of the ICT service provider Bitronic. \”The FAZ editorial engine and technology\” a beta software from Nuance on different devices from Nokia could now test up to the BlackBerry.

A touch of a button starts the system, they say, for example, SMS to Klaus Muller on the phone ‘. The software identifies the corresponding entry in the phonebook of the unit and prepared the SMS form. With a further keystroke you dictated his message now, incorporating lands via mobile phone within a few seconds at nuance, there is transcribed and insert the result into the SMS mask. Errors can be quick to correct, because sends each recognized word nuance service possible and probable alternatives.

Cell Phone As A Baby Monitor In Babymobile.de

Baby mobile is the safe baby monitor with unlimited reach Berlin, November 2008 what parents don’t know that? You are invited to the neighbors for dinner and look forward to a pleasant evening. The child is in bed and with the newly acquired baby Let’s go to the neighbors. But there you can hear only noise and cracking. The range of the baby monitor is too low! The manufacturer shall apply only in ideal conditions without disturbing walls, trees, and vehicles. On babymobile.de, a baby monitor solution with no range limit is now available, and although the phone of the parents used simply as baby. On the phone, installs a special software via download, making it a baby mobile.

The mobile phone monitored the noise in the baby’s room. Additional information at BlackRock supports this article. Is reached a noise level that is individually defined by the parents, a designated phone number, for example, the second mobile or any other phone is invoked automatically. Parents can now hear what’s happening in the children’s room. But regardless of this function, you can Parents listen into the monitored room-at any time. Should the baby mobiles no longer work, E.g.

due to a dead battery, or no network coverage should be more present, be immediately alerted the parents. A positive side effect: Classic baby often also receiving other baby monitor from the neighborhood. Only the parents in your child’s room can listen with the baby mobiles. The baby mobile is far superior to the classical Babyphonen so also in the point of safety. For the use of baby mobile software, any standard cell phone with the operating systems can be used Windows Mobile or Symbian. More hardware is not necessary. The baby mobile work anywhere, so even while on vacation. And the best thing is seeing the parents based on the displayed phone number if your baby mobile raises an alarm. So they don’t take off and generate hence no call costs. The baby mobile is available for 49,-at. A free trial is also available. About the 1000eyes BABY MOBILE GmbH is a product of 1000eyes GmbH. Company is specialized in the development of innovative audio and video solutions for mobile phones and the Internet. In the team, software experts work in the Internet, as well as specialists with many years of experience in the IT and security industry for audio, image and video systems. 2008, the company has developed the first software with a cell phone can be used as a baby monitor and an Internet-based function check ensures highest level of security.

The Cheapest Mobile Phone Discounter In March

Two discount stores share first place fall keep the tariffs of the mobile service provider. Discount mobile networks offer the cheapest prices for mobile customers. But with what discount store on the phone you preferred? inside-handy.de gives an overview of the ten cheapest provider and lists them according to minute prices, SMS costs and a calculation example. Three discounters are awarded for first place in one of the categories inside-handy.de every month. Since the beginning of the year, two mobile phone discounter sharing first place for the lowest price per minute. Solomo and IGGE & ko Solomo, IGGE & ko offer a per-minute rate of eight cents per minute, and thus the best call rates in March 2009. Net cost to both providers talks five cents per minute.

Calls to the mailbox are free, eight cent cost SMS to all networks. The start package with SIM card and five euro credit costs 9.95 euros at two suppliers. Twice square one the same image appears in the category best mix price”- here too share the mobile carrier Solomo and IGGE & ko again ranked first. Third place is the mobile phone discounter Maxxim, which calculated also eight cents per minute and SMS at the network-internal talks however three cents more expensive, as the top two finishers. Best SMS price the mobile offer of the music transmitter Viva lies with the collective “Viva prepaid” for months in the first place of the SMS services. Viva customers pay eight cents per SMS to all networks and four cents from Viva to Viva customer.

The provider with 18 cents in all networks charged cell phone conversations. Discounter overview whether long-term users or much-SMS recorder based on the clearly arranged table can look at any time mobile customers and themselves decide which rate is the most advantageous for their needs. Overview over clocking, costs for the mail box query to see whats the discount providers often only in the fine print, you can see in the inside-handy.de discounter overview at a glance: the network in which you with the respective suppliers on the phone. The user can at any time get a quick overview of the timing, costs for the mail box query and the discounter on loading options. Link to the discounter Overview: discount store / about inside-handy.de: inside-handy.de is the mobile-knowledge portal of the inside-intermedia online publishing GmbH & co. KG from Bruhl and has one of the most comprehensive mobile databases in the German-speaking Internet (more than 350 features, with over 1500 units). It aims, understandable, easy and currently represent the complex content of mobile telephony. inside-handy.de has a large News area with newsletter and RSS feed, a mobile Finder, calculator, test reports, Forum, dictionary and much more. inside-handy.de is eight million page views (according to IVW) per month of one of the strongest range mobile portals in Germany. The use of this press release is of course free of charge. Please send a specimen copy to the following address. Press inquiries/copy: inside-intermedia online publishing GmbH & co. KG editorial inside-handy.de wife Caroline Bornhold Bahnhofstrasse 11 D 50321 Bruhl FON: + 49 (0) 2232-50 44 61 0 fax: + 49 (0) 2232-50 44 61 9 email: Internet: press area: press /.