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Return of a classic of movie few days ago the continuation of the classic of film Oliver Stone’s Wall Street started in the cinema. Dating back to 1987 was at that time a symbol of 1980s years capitalism. It will be similar to the now-past second part of the classic. Due to the film’s release the Exchange portal has launched a boersennews.de together with moneymoney.tv exclusive promotions. For hobby-broker, stockbroker and economy interested but also for everyone else, the portal boersennews.de in collaboration with moneymoney.tv has launched a special action.

The Exchange Portal is giving away stock market basics worth 700 euro to participants of the action. For example in the form of MoneyMoney Exchange seminars, a DVD and an E-book to the stock investment, which explains the basics of the stock market and gives valuable tips that may be worth on the stock exchange literally gold. Inspiration for this was the Wall Street 2 movie, the sequel of the film classic Oliver Stone’s Wall Street in the 1980s. Unlike in the first part is the protagonist of Gordon Gekko here however much moral has become. He sets his action in question and warns against the machinations of the banks.

A financial crisis follows its warnings against excessive speculation in the movie. Just like in real life, many investors lose their savings and banks collapse. Outlook Email contributes greatly to this topic. Thus, the film reflects also the current events and conveys, that skepticism about the banks is attached. The film is not particularly critical or accusingly. Rather, it is in addition to the stock market story to a familial melodrama. More information: blog.boersennews.de/…/ wall street… University Service GmbH Lisa Neumann