Professional Title

Many families in the Peru and other parts of the world live a true Calvary. The worse thing is than this Calvary, suffering is not inflingido to them by strangers, but by the own head of family. Some men had a poor, miserable childhood, comian once to the day, do not tenian the toys that as much like the children, passed deprivations. Luckily my childhood was quite the opposite, I I had everything from boy, particular gifts, schools, elegant house in Free Town, own dormitory, TV in the quarter, library, an enormous locker, etc. But other horsemen suffered very enormously, also in their adolescent age and its university age. When entering the university they listened to classes without eating, without having lunch, they do not tenian to buy books, they vestian like a ropavejero and was as much his poverty, that inclusively they had to resort to sell sex to homosexuals, to have a plate of hot meal at night.

If, there are many horsemen who passed those of cain, in the university and that sostenian sexual relations with other homosexual men, to be able to have a new shirt, shorts cheap. These people spent larguisimos years studying, finished, did not call themselves like professionals, stayed as withdrawn. They could not choose the Professional Title, because they never presented/displayed his Thesis. Later they dedicated themselves to work and after 30 years, they managed to have a house to means to construct in a site misio. In a crummy district. They bought a cheap car and I end up myself to them spoiling, having it now as adornment in a garage, because each is failed removes that to give it a return to the apple. In short, all a life of enormous sufferings that has not given to majors satisfactions him and not even never had a pretty, beautiful fianc2ee, but any thing, so that they do not say that they do not tenian woman.