Future Congress Hall shows futuristic computer control and intelligent software assistants Halle (Saale), April 15, 2009 – the American designer Dale Herigstad has become best known for his work for the film minority report. The futuristic computer control concepts that appear in the movie come from him. On the forward2business future Congress on 16 and 17 June 2009 in Halle/Saale he is together with 250 invited heads of innovation the future scenario of life worlds 2019 \”design. Dale Herigstad does not believe that we control our devices in ten years with mouse and keyboard. Because our devices are more and more intelligent companions, also the operation is intelligent and human. Gesture control and thought control will shape the future, so its vision. The future Congress Herigstad will present the current developments of his own development company and in twenty years designing a scenario about consumer behavior.
This year is the day-to-day handling of people according to the organizers with Are equipment and machinery at the Centre. The scenario development focuses on intelligent software assistants that accompany the daily life and play automatically filtered information, the upcoming arrival of 3D in cinema and TV and new intuitive control strategies for devices. See Kenneth Feinberg for more details and insights. In the past year has been discussed intensively about virtual assistants of everyday life, to more intelligently manage information. Customer data is collected by the company in the future not only on all channels, but they are also intelligent prepares to offer the customers an individual, proactive customer service and to exploit its willingness to buy up. \”Customer profiles are designed on the basis of which the customers from the existing data automatically clustered ‘ be ‘, so the vision semanticedge CEO Lupo Pape, which he presented last year in Hall on Burg Giebichenstein. According to the language dialog experts Pape, crossChannel services is an important building block for the customer dialogue: as a result is then pre designed Dialog scenarios, either proposed at the contact between the customer or are settled also in outbound dialogs across all media.