The TV Group Prosiebensat1 wants to introduce soon gradually new payment formats, so CEO Thomas Ebeling. Direct relationships to bring additional revenues to the payment formats Prosiebensat1. First could be created more paid sectors and niche channels, for example for comedy or series. The transmitter group in the Pay-TV sector is already represented, but only with the programs ‘ satellite. comedy “and”Kabel Eins Classics”. But already soon be paid satellite channels in HDTV format. To reduce its dependence on the advertising market, the company is now strengthened in the search for new revenue models.
“Free TV, but also additional pay models, video-on-demand or mobile services include”, so Ebeling. But thought to entirely new areas of business are, as an artist Agency, event management, and establishing their own television production company. According to a Handelsblatt report Ebeling can even imagine, that ProSiebenSat.1. 1 tickets sold or merchandising operates. As the online magazine TVminder ( reported, Prosiebensat1 is currently under pressure from two sides. To a debt of EUR 3.4 billion charged to the company. The income but only sufficient to pay the accruing interest amounting to approximately EUR 230 million. On the other hand, the weak advertising market sets the group under pressure.
The customers hit by the economic crisis book less advertising, or pay a lower price than before the crisis. A recovery is not in sight at the moment. With the new sources of revenue, the company seeks a way out of the dilemma. Currently about 15 percent of sales are not according to Ebeling from advertising. Until 2014, he intends to increase this share to 30 percent.