Monthly Archives: May 2013

Bert Project

Altitude are of 280 (two hundred and eighty) meters, having as main economic activities the cattle one with bovine flock of 150.000 (one hundred and fifty) a thousand heads, agriculture are in full expansion already with the plantation of soy, rice and maize. Its climate is equatorial hot and humid, annual precipitation of 2.000 mm, its annual average temperature of 24 C, with maximum greater of 42 C, and minimum minor of 4 C. Is part of the great main Basins Amazonian and Tocantins.Os rivers gifts in the city are: Freedom or Commander Fontoura and Xingu (BLACKSMITH, 2001). The vegetation of Santa Cruz of the Xingu presents 65% open pasture, 30% kill and 5% field. The population is of 2007> inhabitants where 56%, are in the agricultural zone and 44% in the urban zone. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Lord Peter Hennessy on most websites. (IBGE, 2007). The research was developed with parents and pupils of 3 and 4 series of the municipal school Ricieri situated Bert in the urban zone of the city of Santa Cruz of Xingu-TM.

They had been selected by sampling, 37 pupils of 3 and 4 series (groups B) and respectively 25 parents. The research was carried through at the beginning of the April month. The technique of collection of data gave through the qualitative survey and quantitative exploratrio of participativo, bibliographical and analytical matrix using the application of half-structuralized questionnaire opened, with the purpose to get the conception of the interviewed ones regarding the central idea of the project. On the basis of available the human resources and material, the activities of the project had been developed by means of the Survey of parents and pupils of the cited series, application of questionnaire for parents and pupils who had approached the objectives of the project, photographic register, interview with representatives of the legislative one, secretary of in such a way garbage no responsible agency for the ambient management.

Best Practices

From celebrate birthday, include family members in the entertainments of the company, practicing medical examinations to staff and to reward with trophies to the best worker of the month, year, day and time. But, does that work? Is there some secret not disclosed on the subject? is 0 a question of luck or human resources manager doll.? Before giving a final track, remember some ways to liven up the existence the people in organizations: Coca Cola: work by desire, not obligation internal culture and communication Plan: who cares about organizing the celebration of special holidays: new year, Valentine, of the mother of the woman. the celebration of birthdays, the day of the super hero. Active and healthy life: partners voluntarily participating in a check medical preventive. The company also subsidizes 80% of a physical, such as gym, swim or dance program.

Mental trivia: Sends a riddle each month and made a draw among those who answered correctly. GMI reinduction talks: to keep informed collaborators with the company’s objectives. After the training becomes a recognition to those who best responded to a small test. Campaign’s organizational skills: seeks to develop the spirit of healthy competition, through talks and concepts in contributors. Knowledge communities: contributes to integrate, socialize, work as a team and exchange knowledge between employees.

Manages change: permanent campaign, promoting protocols of coexistence and good environmental practices supermarket Tottus collaborating in gestation: collaborating new that are in gestation, having no right to the period pre and post natal provides them 90 days of leave and the possibility of access to a loan. The night of talents: event of integration where the best of their cultural skills shown. Interbank card headhunter: are delivered by the bank managers, who when they detect a person with interbank profile immediately invite them and encourage to apply. Interbank corporate University: offer programs and basic courses that are published at the beginning of the year so employees can organize and participate.

Very Effective Tool

Effective time management has become a skill important to succeed today. In a society where everything is fast, be able to maximize the efficiency of your time you would do more with the limited amount of time to work that has each and every day, resulting in an increase in productivity, self-realization and the obtaining of a control of your life. = Course for the efficient management of time, effective techniques that can be applied in less than seven minutes to achieve more than they never believed possible in less time. Visit for more information. = The task list has been regarded as an effective tool for the purpose of successfully manage their time. Many people tend to ignore the creation of to-do lists and instead just go forward and do different tasks that should be performed. But, leaving aside 10 minutes of your day to create a list of tasks you will be able to increase their productivity and improve their ability to manage their time wisely.

Here you will learn how to create a list of tasks with efficiency and effectiveness. Its own list of all tasks. To create your to-do list, the first thing is make the list down and write all the tasks you need to carry out in the day. Do not limit yourself to annotate only the tasks that you would have to make in your workplace. Also include in your to-do list tasks and responsibilities you need to carry out at home with his family and even for yourself.

This way you can get a good overview of all the tasks you need to carry out in the day. Prioritize. Once you have completed all the different tasks you need for carry out in your work, at home and for yourself, the next thing you need to do is determine what are the most important tasks to complete and then work down to the least important. If you know that there are some things that are extremely important to complete on the day as deadlines at work or projects that must submit, write down them in the top of the to-do list. This should be followed by more complicated tasks in order to make sure that it is activated and alert enough to make these as soon as possible. Do not put a period. The most common mistake many people who are creating the task list, make is to include a calendar that would have to be achieved the objectives. With this you unconsciously be excessive pressure to complete the task immediately. Set a time limit to its list of tasks pending you would jump from one task to another without completing the previous task, so instead of being able to complete all the tasks you need inside of the day, will leave a bunch of half-finished work that will need to add additional tasks for the next day.