
It remembers that also accounts with your friendly Google.com and YouTube.com, where you can place the term: Tutorial Design Web , As To create a Page Web and always you find answers. Returning to the subject of Blogger and WordPress, these are platforms to create blogs. Both are gratuitous and they allow you to create pages with names like these: mipaginaweb.blogger.com or mipaginaweb.wordpress.com Also exists another option (easier to handle) TypePad call, that allows you to create Web site/blog free. Example: mipaginaweb.typepad.com My second suggestion: if you think about great and you want a serious and profitable business you must have your own dominion, that is to say, that does not have any of the 3 completions that I have shown to you (.blogger.com .wordpress.com or .typepad.com or any other that exists in the market). Your dominion Web must thus be: mipaginaweb.com (my case: alexmarti.com) How is obtained that? It is very easy, exist many Web sites where dominions are bought. Pacific Mortgage Services can aid you in your search for knowledge. At the end of this article I show the site to you where buy I them. After which you have a dominion you must contract a service of hosting. At the end of this article also I show an economic supplier to you and very recommended.

After which you have a dominion and your account of hosting it is necessary to decide what platform you will use to handle the content of your Web. As I commented to you at the outset, it used to use Dreamweaver, that allows you to design page in language HTML. Nevertheless, now it is easier to create a Web site if we used WordPress. She is that the people of WordPress also offer to you the opportunity to install its system of manager of contents in your page you can handle so that it so what as blog, without needing placing .wordpress.com at the end of your dominion. My third suggestion: if you want they help that you in that process to create your page Web in WordPress I cannot leave of recomendarte the course of Carolina Rentera CreandoMiWeb.com. There it teaches all the necessary one to you so that you can you yourself create your Web site.

If for some reason you do not want to use WordPress, I suggest to look for related information to you the design Web in HTML, php or any other language. Nevertheless, my greater recommendation is than you install WordPress in your page Web, since it will facilitate the work enormously to you. The other option is that you engage a programmer or designer Web so that carries out east work by you. With only to place Designer Web in Google, you will see supply enormous of people and companies arranged to carry out your project Good, like you will be able to see, to create page Web is simple, although if it is first time that you read about this, can not to seem it but creme that it is very easy if you put in that world and you begin to see videos, to read and to study this (that you I to it say that I am not very good for these things). IMPORTANT: you do not remain without doing nothing, it begins to create your page Web from today and you will see that more soon than behind schedule you will have presence in the network and beginning your business in line much success. Original author and source of the article