It is harmless to the eye and easy: no need to carry laws, and excerpts from them, instead of bulky briefcase can get a little e-book, where all the necessary information near at hand. Agree, the usefulness of such technical innovations monetary immeasurable. The modern lawyer would not buy the laws on paper, and will not even download them from the Internet in the past year had given an e-book. He go easier: a subscription to gain the legislation. Multiple disks are all vitally important – legislation, media articles, tutorials and samples of documents, judicial practice. Moreover, the information can be updated at least every day. Have your lawyer is a subscription? Lawyer. Public person and always likes to impress others, including decorating the workplace.
But it is not bright angels, not cute plush bunny and aromatic candles is not (or maybe they have:). Not them, but … a statuette of Themis, the Greek goddess of justice. Its presence in the office for a lawyer – more than just a tribute to tradition. Themis silently tell all visitors that its owner as impartial and fair, as she is.
Alternative Themis – a statuette of a knight in armor. He valiant, honest, brave, and will protect the victim until the end. Those who study a spacious, can place in it and bust some of the great lawyers. Very impressive, I would say, in an adult:) And even if not fanatical patriot, a lawyer with pleasure to place on the wall of a gold coat of arms room of his country in a frame. It is, Again, very impressive, and it adjusts itself to the desired business harmony. Without which it can not yet be a lawyer? Stationery. Normal printer paper, pens, notepads, stickers … Lawyers at leisure to eat all of this, washed down with some coffee, and rush-hour working day is suddenly nowhere to print the agreement:) sign the contract documents, they surely, fountain pen, if not an iron pen. There is also an inkwell, blotter and ornate stand for the pen. Not worth it? Immediately correct! 🙂 Think about the following. Lawyer – a profession whose owners do not notice until recently. As a doctor, call him only if absolutely necessary. Just like a fine work of the doctor, we can evaluate the actions of the lawyer only then, when the "disease" will be behind us. After he saves us, Knight and Hamlet, the hero of our time …