That the person did not run it should normally take to work, give him a normal working environment, motivate, and he will not run from you. How can you do this, complete experience and global and domestic. Believe me, if you improve the quality of jobs, confidence and stability in the future, to build up a system of employee motivation, then everything will be fine. Our people – it innovator, created for him a good working condition and give him the opportunity to express their ideas and suggestions, then they'll move mountains. Frequently Warren Buffett has said that publicly. Yes, this approach will require a certain costs, and the founders will less profit, but all those unpleasant moments only in the mode of formation, further investment in human capital will bring you only the profit. Well trained employees – what now needs to our clients, client wants to be catered to more skillfully. And if you eventually have to enter the world market, for the normal work you will need to meet at iso 9000. When hiring enough will sign a nondisclosure agreement, which clearly spelled out all of the points related to the ratio of job information, and all you can trust him trade secrets.
Next is the organizational capital. What intellectual Resources included in the organizational capital. Trademark, trademark registration does not take much time and money. After registering a trademark you get recognition. To read more click here: Bitcoin. The client sees that you have trademark, is evidence of state registration, to whom he turns to new employment or organization with a trademark, right into an organization with a trademark.