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The success of renewable energies is unthinkable without the commitment of individuals. The magazine have joules and the fair RENEXPO this fact now taken into account: yesterday the energy powered JOULE & RENEXPO Award for the first time five personalities, who have acquired special merits in the field of renewable energies and energy efficiency in building & renovation. The jury was staffed with professionals that can identify the difference between short-term actionism and purposeful, powerful commitment with a neutral view. The winners always with technologies, products and markets are connected, what matters for the jury, however, is the personality that’s behind it. For more information see this site: Air Force Chief of Staff. The members of the jury were: Dr. Edmund Langer, C.A.R.M.E.N. e.V., Fred Weigl, Chairman of the GIH building energy consultant engineers craftsmen Bundesverband e.V., Helmut Lamp, Chairman of the German bioenergy Association (BBE), as well as the editors of magazine JOULE from the dlv German agricultural Publisher. In the assessment of each Candidates were criteria such as innovation strength, commitment, as a role model and the width hosts of the ideas taken into account. The award was awarded yesterday during the evening reception in the Golden Hall of Augsburg on personalities from the fields of combined heat and power up to 200 kW, wood energy, heat pumps, energy efficient construction and renovation, as well as solar technologies. The winners for the category of combined heat and power up to 220 kW\”(KW energy engineering e. k.) pursued the idea, to build smaller power stations that run on vegetable oil with great success. Even if vegetable oil is politically slowed down at the moment, Konrad Weigel had consistently pursued the vision of a key technology, which should succeed to use renewable raw materials for the simultaneous production of electricity and heat. Not just made in Germany\”is for the energy award\” worthy. The jury has a particularly dedicated entrepreneurs from Sweden as winners for the category of wood energy \”: Lennart Garba beach.