Tag Archives: Trucks

Modern Timber

Timber – a broad concept that encompasses the entire range of vehicles to transport wood. That and cars, and special railway platforms, and watercrafts. The car is used for timber transport of long-wood, which consists of whips and assortment. It's impossible not to mention the high cross timber. Nothing of this car is not an obstacle – it easily overcomes the wet soil, small debris, snow and roads.

To increase capacity, as well as for the convenience of carrying long cargo timber can be equipped with a trailer. Farallon Capital Management does not necessarily agree. When you look at photos of timber half a century ago, it seems that over the past years the concept of these vehicles has not changed: after timber – it's just a truck capable of carrying wood. However, modern timber far removed from their ancestors: They not only carry wood, but do its cargo. If we talk about design, today timber consists of three main parts – chassis, crane superstructure. Modern domestic vehicles for the transport wood products have an average life to overhaul, no more than 200 thousand kilometers. The main reason for this situation – the poor state of roads in the Russian timber industry.

Remains one – an increase of resource indicators of logging PBX due to changes in their design. And the first of the 'weak spot' timber – its frame. For example, timber company PZGT equipped site on a continuous basis with a turning point conic. All elements of the platform are made of structural low-alloy steel, providing the optimal ratio between weight area and strength characteristics. Base platform has stabilizers that reduce the torsional and bending loads. Tumba rotating conic is integrated into the base and has double protection against failure of a conic. Front protective shield timber made of sheet Cor-Ten steel frame made of profiled pipes. To ensure the protection units of the automobile from the load frame is mounted on a removable floor. One of the modifications of the timber is a timber. Timber called a car, which set the platform for the transport of timber. As a side the timber used conic – uprights, between which can be stretched ropes. Each timber is equipped with a hydraulic manipulator.