Tag Archives: power of god

Alexis Fernando Jimenez

It moves in a different dimension: the dimension of the Lord in the great things that occur. Facts wonderful miracles inconceivable to human logic. It is essential that we consider today the unlimited move of our beloved Father in heaven over and through those who seek Him and remain in His presence in prayer. Three principles to be considered The Bible teaches us, on the basis of the Lord Jesus Christ, three elements that I invite you to consider. The evangelist Luke says that "And he spake a parable about the need to pray always and not lose heart …" (Luke 18:1) These two lines, but seeds are deep because they bring to mind three aspects of great importance: 1 .- need to pray.

2 .- The importance of praying always 3 .- The imperative not to faint in prayer. I suggest you read the sentences again and ask yourself: What do I do when some physical ailment affect me? How do I face problems? Prayer is part of my daily life principles? And finally: Will you persevere in prayer to see God's response? Remember that persistence is key because the Lord Jesus taught: "I tell you: Ask and ye shall receive, seek and find, knock and the door will open. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and the caller is opened "(Luke 11:9, 10). Pray then holds persistence. Knock on the doors of heaven to our beloved Lord and God responds. Ask, believe and receive Whether you need a miracle of deliverance, physical healing, financial provision or resolution of a conflict, there is a path we must follow and that integrate three principles: ask, believe and receive.

So I made it clear when the Lord Jesus taught his disciples: "And whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive" (Matthew 21:22). Ask for a moment: Do you really ask God's intervention in time of need? If I ask something, I believe in sincerity of heart that He will answer? "I find that when I pray and believe in His power, I get that from what I cried? This means that, of course, change our paradigms and leave aside, for some shadow of doubt, and on the other hand, trying to solve problems our own way and in our strength, knowing that for who pray releasing the unlimited power of our dear Lord. Today is the day for your miracle! Simply intending to believe. Make the decision to pray and hope in God! You will see your life experience a wonderful change. If you have any prayer request, be sure to write and remember that my phone is available (0057) 317-4913705 Alexis Fernando Jimenez