Tarragona, on the Costa Dorada Catalan, was declared world heritage by UNESCO in the year 2000. It’s a city of Roman origin (Tarraco its latin name, when it was the capital of the Iberian peninsula). You can admire the remains and traces of its Roman origins throughout the city, from the most famous Roman amphitheatre, built in the 2nd century, almost to the sea, until the Roman circus of the 1st century, very special because it was built, unlike most of the buildings of this type, in the center of the city, so its architecture has unique characteristics. Also from Roman times is the Praetorian, a tower which became over time the Palace of the Kings (16th century) and later in prison. The urban perimeter of Tarragona was delimited in Roman times by a great wall of 3500 meters, whose remains now delimit part of the old town. It has the distinction of being the oldest Roman walls conserved outside Italy. For lovers of antiquity, it is highly recommended to follow the promenade Archaeological tarraconense, allowing you to discover all the wonders of Roman still preserved throughout the city, not forgetting of course a stop on the balcony of the Mediterranean, a viewpoint that rises about 40 meters above the sea level and from which you can enjoy wonderful views of the port of Tarragona, in the beach of the Miracle and the amphitheatre.
Here, the tradition, must be touching ferro, i.e. touching the iron balustrade, which according to legend brings good luck to anyone who touches it. If on the one hand the archaeology is one of the most important aspects of the cultural offerings of Tarragona, on the other hand the city offers a wonderful sand beaches: one in the city, just below the balcony of the Mediterranean, the Miracle Beach, to which you can walk from any point of the city, and other little away from Tarragonalike the Arrabassada beach or playa Llarga. In Tarragona gastronomy typical products of a Mediterranean coastal city take precedence: fish and seafood, cooked alone or in paella and noodle dishes, and products which is known as Camp de Tarragona, hazelnuts, oil and vegetables mainly. The wines of the appellation of origin Tarragona are particularly suited to accompany desserts. Tarragona is a quiet and relaxing, ideal for strolling the streets of the town old, surrounded by history, to enjoy its beaches very well ciudadas and enjoy, and not, all water sports, from sailing or surfing, diving (these last are famous excursions to view the wreck submerged in the waters of the port of Tarragona).