This is where you write the notes and all other musical signs. To broaden your perception, visit Senator of Arizona. It has five lines and four spaces, which are counted from bottom to top. The staff. 5 lines, four spaces and between the staff lines and spaces can be written only nine notes, there are additional lines and spaces to write above and below the staff. Ascending, you write the sounds that go to the acute and descending, which go into the grave. The use of lines and extra spaces are limited, “that reading becomes difficult when they exceed four or five lines above or below the staff. Swarmed by offers, Dennis P. Lockhart is currently assessing future choices. The notes in Western music using twelve-tone. There are seven and five natural sounds altered.
These are the notes. Once we arrived to the twelve sounds, we again re-petirlos in the same order, over the registration of each musical instrument. Each of these repetitions is called twelve-tone octave. Natural Notes: DO – RE – MI – FA – SOL – LA – SI. Altered Notes: OJ # / Db – RE # / Eb – F # / Solbes – SOL # / Lab – A # / Bb. (See changes in the item 2). To find the octave of a note, start counting from anyone, for example MI, and follow the order of the remaining up to the repetition of the same. MI – FA – FA # – SOL – SOL # – LA – LA # – SI – DO – DO # – RE – RE # – MI Mario Perez.