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The Car Pros – A Woman Guides

Buying a new car is not always easy. The range of vehicle models, equipment options, and car dealers is huge, uncertainty is accordingly large. Anyone who has ever bought a car knows this scene: man strolls through the dealership and can call themselves an attractive new car price. As soon as it has taken the place of the consultant at the table, this wild taps on his keyboard and then triumphantly finds that he can again give discount on the leather seats to 10 percent. But what are the possibilities of discount is there really? The framework for negotiations has been exhausted? What would other car dealerships offer? Annalena Bachinger 2012 founded the car pros, she wanted to bring light into this thicket. Due to many years of experience in the auto industry, she knows the possibilities and tricks the car salesman. The founder had already completed several stations around the car. So she worked among others for Audi and BMW and could make many contacts.

Through my Germany-wide network of dealers can I offer customers new and used cars on much better terms than if the customer himself went through the Internet,”told the certified automobile seller. “Is the car purchase is handled by us, price differences are by up to 28 percent when compared to the specified list price possible.” B is very well informed about the offers and car stocks of their dealer and has therefore the right time for the vehicle purchase. Sometimes it is advisable to wait a month or two to get to the premium of a special action with the purchase. But for such advice you have constantly the market at a glance. This is one of my daily tasks”explains the sympathetic counselor. This competent price comparison is also absolutely free for the customers of the car pros, as not only the buyer but also the dealership profits from Victoria b’s car placement.