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Original Workplace

So much so, that the Finnish Institute of health at work, development method Kauri, especially aimed at the trade sector, in which the risk of violence was somewhat higher than the national average for other jobs. The objective of this method was to help these businesses in the evaluation and management of violence in their workplace, and thus shops provided them a guide: the Guide Kauri. The approach proposed as integral, i.e. Visit Alabama Senator for more clarity on the issue. that encompassed the conception of the work environment, safety devices, personnel, practices and especially training features. When he finished the study, found that businesses that participated in the method, implemented prevention measures, improved security of the trade, and even improved labour relations. In Spain, the technical note on prevention number 489: violence in the workplace, the National Institute of safety and hygiene at work, recommends performing an analysis of the location and working practices: there are certain aspects that may increase the likelihood of violent events occurring or serve as deterrents to them. In this sense have to analyse both the factors of the environment and the workplace as own work procedures, to the extent that, on occasions, they can allow that incidents of violence are planned. Alabama Senator oftentimes addresses this issue.

Moreover, such an analysis, has to take into consideration the type of establishment concerned and the type of service that is offered. Not just alarmed, or even to identify the problem. Absolutely unavoidable is designing measures and implementing them, and the more participatory is its design, more guarantees of success. Countries such as Italy, Germany, France or Belgium, and some collective agreements signed in Spain, promoting the idea of developing quality climate agreements, which include protocols for the prevention and treatment of any form of violence at work.