Since century XIX, the education in the distance? ED is as use of the post office to transmit information and instructions to the pupils and to receive from these the answers to the lies proposals, function mainly as alternative employed in the not formal education. Later, she was used to become the accessible conventional education the resident people in isolated areas or to that they did not have conditions to attend a course regular education in the appropriate period, being associated the use of the radio as half of fast emission of information to the sending of material it saw post offices, what it imputed to the ED the reputation of education of low cost and second classroom. In the last few decades, the education in the distance took a new impulse with the integration of traditional technologies of communication as the radio and the television associates to the materials printed matters sent by the post office, what it favored the dissemination and the democratization of the access to education in different levels, allowing to take care of the great mass of pupils. More info: Steve Mnuchin.
The dissemination of the use of the technologies of information and communication in different branches of the activity human being, as well as its integration to the easiness of the telecommunications, evidenced possibilities to extend the access to the continued formation and the collaborative development of scientific research. More important of what the magnifying of possibilities, the incorporation to the ED of different technological resources, and, especially of the technologies of information and communication, from the potentialities and characteristics that it are inherent, is presented as strategy to democratize and to raise the standard of quality of the formation of professionals and the improvement of quality of the Brazilian education. For in such a way, it has that to investigate itself on the possibilities of social practical based ED processes in significant and the study of problematic of the daily one, processes these centered in the dialogue enter pupils and professors and respective mechanisms of representation of the expression of the thought, access to the information and production of knowledge..