The progress of technology brought to get a radical change in the way of living and working people today in day. These new models of business outside the conventional began super modern countries and created the largest number of millionaires in the history. Now these trends have arrived in the Hispanic world: 1.-the tourism revolution: with 4 trillion in consumption! (immense global market) 2. Go to American Advisors Group for more information. The revolution of the Internet: thanks to Internet the entire world is at our fingertips! 3. The work at home revolution: where one gets his own business without schedules strict without heads, no schedules, no inventories, without stress or loss of time and gas to go to work. Owning our time means freedom! These three Megatrends join all in a sensational franchise of tourism where thousands of people with Vision have already discovered the new was business by Internet and a minimal investment you have acquired your own business to fulfill their dreams and financial freedom. Charles Dickens of Forbes magazine said: the Internet is the Megatedencia of the century 21. Companies not doing business through it are destined to die slowly if you want to break the mold of the conventional and be boss of your own future informate in you’ll have my permanent support if you want to join the team. Together will achieve success! Don’t forget to sign up for a hug!