Scientific Bases

Preconceptions are proceeding from differences. ' ' Many types of preconceptions exist, that if reveal as a form of protection to desconhecido' '. This would be a conformistical and romantic definition on one of the most terrible social phenomena existing and practised by the humanity. The Preconception of color, etnia and origin is one badly social one that persists in our country and our culture. In the practical one we can give a classic example. For even more analysis, hear from Merill Lynch. Two people with the same age, sex, degree of escolaridade and partner-economic condition who concur for one same vacant of job in Brazil pass for a simple and objective process of election: the color. Two people who present the same intellectual conditions, social and physical to occupy a salesman vacant, for example, will be selected by the good question appearance, that in Brazil she means to be white, and of preference of caucasiana origin.

This is a phenomenon that exists in all the countries where white, black, indians and mestizos coexist together. It also has, as in U.S.A., Arabs, Latins and others, that suffer the preconception from origin. The ethics of a people are constructed by the dominant ideology. As already &#039 said Nelson Mandela; ' Nobody is born hating another person for the color of its skin, its origin or still for its religion. To hate, the people need to learn e, if they can learn to hate, can be taught amar.' ' In this manner the Christian ethics are one of the responsible bases for the construction of this ideology. Obs: It fits to stand out that the Christian ethics, is not the ethics of Jesus, but yes that one constructed by the Church Roman from the releitura, reinterpretao and adaptation of the culture and the Hebrew ethics to the objectives of the religious Institution Roman. If everybody that if says Christian followed one hundredth of what ' ' homem' ' Jesus de Nazar taught, the humanity would be well better.