Winners and losers from the perspective of the agent not only is the livelihood since yesterday a theme in this country. Even or maybe especially in times of financial crisis, the citizens are anxious to secure their belongings and goods. The most important thing is your own health. The financial damage which may occur to people due to impaired health, is even existence-threatening circumstances. Experts agree: the awareness of the need for a private screening of risk has increased and it will continue to grow in the future.
From the perspective of the agent, the strongest Division in the context of private risk management is currently the labour protection. Approximately 92% of surveyed agents indicate that one of its business priorities in this area. It followed the death case insurance which offers approximately 64% of respondents, prior to the accident insurance with around 54%. Care additional security “is still the least significance. In this area little more than a quarter of the agents are currently working. Among the total over 170 product providers, for which votes were issued in the framework of this investigation, some companies stand out particularly.
In the field of labour protection of the well-being of the people is federal. Dortmund is the clear favorite of the mediator here by a significant margin. In securing death certificate, the dialog can be adjusted the clear Favorites position. Also the InterRisk seems to have their favorite role in the business field of the casualty safely held. The IDEAL occupies the top position from the perspective of the agent in securing care auxiliary, which was also investigated, but not honoured with an AWARD. The current survey will lead to these results private risk management, which was carried out in the framework of the annual series of studies to the AssCompact award by the management consulting company SMARTcompagnie GmbH on behalf of the bbg operating consultancy company, Bayreuth.