Procedural memory is our memory of the experience. It does not involve conscientious memory. the type of memory that if it acquires for the experience, for the attempt/error, through the performance of daily tasks. To the times called muscular memory in the reality it can in such a way be motor how much not motor. A motor example is to moor the cadaros of a shoe. A not motor example is to count a history of the beginning to the end. Another example is the habits that we acquire for the learning of the social procedures as: with license, it forgives, for mass ofs cells etc. Episdica memory means to know itself exactly (autonotica).
One mentions to it and descriptions of events, autobiogrfica local. The episode has a effect of history, that is, a beginning, a way and an end. Emotional memory is the reaction to the emotional content without let us take knowledge of it, therefore the information that is not neural will be examined and stored by amgdala. This means that the emotional area of our brain quickly receives and filters the fond information exactly before going more to neocrtex for the thought of raised level and the recognition. When it is said in retention of information, we know that such assimilation can be drawn out for a long period (memory of long stated period) or last only in the execution of determined task (memory of short term) (BEAR & cols., 2002; HELENE & XAVIER, 2007). Miller (1956) already demonstrated that also the words that they had meant and making felt for the citizens, exactly when shown in great amounts, also are forgotten quickly, more happens frequently, in thousandth of seconds even in the maximum one minute.
Thus, it affirmed that the memory of short term it is a cognitiva structure and its basic properties would be the limited persistence enter 15 seconds to one minute, beyond, of the limited capacity, therefore it would store only referring information up to seven units, that, could be words with or without meaning, numbers, letters etc. In the decade of 60, the study of the memory of short term, mentioning itself it retention of small amounts of information in brief intervals of time, formed a main component of the development of cognitiva psychology (CROWDER, 1982 apud RUEDA & SISTO, 2007). Studies on the memory of long stated period affirm that the aged ones have a lesser performance that adults young (CRAIK & BYRD, 1982). To only illustrate, the memory of long stated period according to Isaki and Plante (1997), would be the restrained information under form of permanent structures of knowledge, whose evaluation is made through tests, of common knowledge, as concepts of mathematics and history, for example. Other studies affirm that the types of memory are constructos distinct although to be changeable latent that if correlates between itself, what it suggests that the work memory is related with fluid intelligence or ability of reasoning, while this relation is not observed in the memory of short term (ENGLE, TUHOLSKY, LAUGHLIN & CONWAY, 1999 apud RUEDA & SISTO, 2007). Thus, the process of the memory of short term could be mentioned to a type of passive storage and would involve only the souvenir of the information without no type of manipulation (SINGER, ENGLE & HAMILTON, 1991 apud RUEDA & SISTO, 2007; CORNOLDI & VECCHI, 2000). Therefore, the tasks of the work memory would demand more active processes and would be the ones that the information is kept temporarily while she is being manipulated or transformed.