The detainees have been transferred to the military prosecutor’s Office for questioning. The Supreme Council of the armed forces, the organ that de facto ruling the country since the fall of Hosni Mubarak, it has argued in her profile from the social networking site Facebook that these events do not have another justification that alter the security and stability of Egypt in a coordinated plan that tries to take advantage of the blood of the revolutionary martyrs and seeks to divide the people and to the security of the State apparatus. As a result of the clashes on Wednesday, the Ministry of the Interior ensures in a second statement that paths research on the Tuesday incidents have already taken and that, in short, will reveal the results. He has also requested to the Revolutionary Youth and the Egyptian people who do not fall in the rumors and the lies aimed at undermining unity and encouraging the tensions, alluding to information that have been broadcast by several television networks suggested that the Minister of the Interior, the Esawy Mansur, had resigned by the riots. On the other hand, the Egyptian authorities have insisted that the security forces acted with wisdom and with the highest level of self-control, while the governorates of Suez, Alexandria and Cairo in protest at clashes, have announced the start of a sit-in of indefinite duration to ask for their demands to be obeyed.
The violence enraged people began after relatives of deceased during the uprisings that overthrew former President Mubarak in February protested late Tuesday on the outskirts of the capital. The official version said that the riots began when another group of people later that their dead relatives had not been included in the ceremony, causing in this way several chapters of clashes in Tahrir square and the Ministry of the Interior. These events are the first outbreaks of violence in several weeks. On Wednesday, dozens of young people have maintained two separate clashes with police protecting the headquarters of Interior. The ctive police launched tear gas canisters, while the demonstrators started to throw stones. The village is enraged because trials against senior members (of Mubarak’s regime) continue dilating, explained Ahmed Abdel Hamid, of 26 years and witness to the nocturnal clashes Tuesday. Another attendee at the protest in Tahrir, Magdy Ibrahim, of 28 years, has stressed that he has come to hear the violent treatment that the police was giving the protesters during the Tuesday night. Meanwhile, the Deputy Minister of Interior, has insisted that the security forces did not enter in Tahrir square and that they only had to deal with between 150 and 200 people who wanted to break into the Ministry of the Interior and that, in addition to throwing stones, causing several flaws in police and private vehicles. Source of the news: two days of riots around the plaza Tahir left a toll of 1,100 injured and 34 detainees