In the agreement of the pertaining to school management, especially democratic and participativa will be studied: – I stop (2003) that, taking the management democratic of the school as starting point for a qualitative change of public education, it analyzes the difficulties of its implantation? authoritarian culture of education, absence of financial resources, desmotivao of professors and the lack of a structure that favors the participation of the parents, among others factors. For even more details, read what Mike Madden says on the issue. At the same time, it considers, at great length, a reorganization of the pertaining to school structure, where the Director leaves of being the center of the power to decide process of each school and pass to divide the right and responsibility of the decisions with parents, pupils and professors. If we want a transforming school, we need to transform the school that we have there. transformation of this school passes necessarily for its appropriation on the part of the diligent layers. It is in this direction that they need to be transformed the systems of authority and the distribution of the proper work into the interior of the school.
(I STOP, P. 10, 2003). – Vianna (2000) in its book Participativo Planning in the schools, considered to involve, in the efetivao of the democratic and participativo Planning, for the taking of with priority of the pertaining to school management, representative decisions most significant and of all the segments of the school. It detaches that the democratic and participativa management does not identify with decisions regarding aspects and secondary actions, broken up and isolated of the pertaining to school unit. It must involve the diagnosis of its difficulties and successes, the collective and organized brainstorming for with priority aspects. As to be social, the man finds its accomplishment in the conviviality with its fellow creatures, needing participativo, communitarian work, that he makes possible exchanges of experiences bigger perfectioning and personal satisfaction.