Innovative outdoor displays for successful outdoor advertising at the point of sale or PoI by EasyDisplay Hanover April 23, 2009 – one of the main problems with the use of displays in the outdoor area at the point of sale or PoI is the stability and weather resistance of a display. To ensure an optimal and degradability and portability, the majority of the displays is usually lightweight and filigree design. In the outdoor area this can quickly become for the majority of the displays to the downside. Many displays in the outdoor area can barely withstand a somewhat rougher blowing wind. Outdoor displays for use in the PoS or PoI marketing should remain so while mobile, flexible and transportable, add these properties however another: stability. The EasyShare display GmbH in Hanover has can develop from this necessity more outdoor displays. The use of a water tank has emerged as an excellent solution.
The easy x outdoor displays, the easy versions X budget outdoor display and easy X luxury Outdoor display are available, the middle connector of the standard easy X coupled displays with the help of a robust coil spring on a water tank. This water tank that has a capacity of 25 litres, provides a very stable platform of an easy X displays now and so ensures a hassle-free use in the outdoors. Nevertheless, the original, mobile and flexible properties of the easy X displays are preserved. Also the variant as outdoor display remains including the emptied water tanks with a weight of 2,5 kg (display without water tank: 1,5 kg) lightweight. A further display of outdoor series of EasyShare display GmbH, which also gains maximum stability with the help of a water tank, is the easy Y outdoor display. Other than the easy X outdoor displays easy Y has been designed outdoor display from the outset for use in outdoor applications. The easy Y consists of a telescopic mast of variable height, outdoor display using a simple cap on a Water tank is attached. With 18 litres, this provides for a stable stance and allow for trouble-free use at the PoS or PoI.
The easy Y outdoor display is quickly up and biodegradable. Also the weight of 4.8 kg with an emptied water tank is a flexible mobility not get in the way. A little light outdoor display that is especially suitable for the stationary retail industry, is the outdoor pavement wind master easy. In addition to the water collateral level instruments plastic foot with a total volume of 9 litres, two flexible steel springs, where a suitable double-sided aluminum frame is attached provide a high resistance. The approximately 21 kg (display of 12 kg + water 9 l) of easy wind masters can use two roles that are installed on the underside of the foot, be easily mobilised over shorter distances. For more information see: outdoor display c-26.html that has EasyShare display company in 2003 by brothers mark and Michael Goch founded and is a young B2B (Business to business) companies for mobile exhibition and advertising technology, as well as promotional products at the POS and POI in Germany. Our services in the fields of Visual communication, digital printing and trade fair services also include our easy display-full service package. If logo design, banner design, package design, communication design, Web design, corporate design, video editing, 3D animation and modeling, business equipment and exhibition stands our multimedia Studio designed together with you the appropriate look and feel for your business.