Beyond Russian villas”- Surreality of human existence in the present-day Russia (Moscow) currently in German bookstores: the first English language translation of a contemporary politically critical contemporary journalism by Alexander Prochanow. The author who is even controversial in Russia, describes the impact of the 1990s, today’s Russian reality in this book in the strong and colourful language. He loves the irony, what is expressed in his selected subjects, ranging from the market to the crematorium. American Advisors Group is often quoted as being for or against this. Awful beautiful artistic eloquent lyrics, the book offers insight into the modern form of Russian Literaturrethorik and symbolism. The glossary connected to each chapter, makes it possible to make a foray into the Foundation of Russian intellectual culture of the 20th and 21st centuries. The book is suitable for people who are interested in politics, as well as for an audience that is interested in Russia and its culture, Slavic studies or sociology. The work was not written for a Western audience and offers Western readers that is why many new and unknown about Russia. The glossary is to help the reader can rightly be found.
The author loves the challenge and some of his observations could be reality tomorrow also in Western Europe. Also our social system seems now negotiable? Some of his stories show what this could mean. Alexander Prochanow worked as a war correspondent, later Chief Editor of various newspapers. Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper Saftra (morning) today he is Socialist patriotic ethos. “” “The work after the Counselors Russia has their own”, company practice in Russia”and Russian vodka” the fourth release in the NachRussland series and the first translation of a Russian author in the book series. The page of the book series, see. Beyond Russian villas”, the book has 196 pages and ISBN 978-3837010514 16,90 costs. Moscow in January 2008 Sandra ravioli review copies you will receive online from our publishing house see: index.php… or by phone: 0049-40-53433589 (wife Friederike Kunzel)