
Maquiavelo begins east chapter of ” Prncipe” saying that all prince must appear, that it is different from being, merciful before its subjects, although without forgetting to prepare itself against the twisted uses of this mercy; sometimes, the cruelty of the prince saves the kingdom whereas the mercy can foment seditions and scorn towards the power. For that reason it affirms Maquiavelo that an excess of mercy, sometimes, foments more suffering for the town and the prince who the naked cruelty. Liberty Mutual can provide more clarity in the matter. Therefore, when one is to maintain the unit and loyalty of the kingdom the prince does not have to worry for being erased about cruel, since doing a good use of the cruelty towards the sedititious leaders or those support that them it will avoid a greater cruelty as they are the continuity of internal fights, disorders and plundering. The new princes, by the weakness of their position, cannot escape to the fame of cruel if they want to conserve his kingdoms. The cruelty, however, does not have to lack prudence.

If the prince feeds imaginary fears or comes with brutality his power he returns intolerable and the same prince foments the rebellion with his cruel conduct. Although the desirable thing is that the prince is loved and feared, who these two feelings go united is not easy. Therefore the prince must try first loved being and feared, because the fear is not against to the love but the scorn, but this it is not possible must before try to be feared that loved. This is thus because the men are voluble: if you benefit to them they will love to you and when you do not need nothing they will offer you everything; when you cannot benefit to them and you need its support, they will not know you. Because the men are faithful in the abundance and egoistic in the necessity.

The men are perverse and break the gratitude bonds easily, nevertheless the fear to the punishment leaves never them absolutely. As I already said, for Maquiavelo they are not the same fear and hatred. In fact, if the prince cannot be loved and be feared at the same time, he must try to be feared but, at least, not to be hated. Hatred is fomented acting of despotic way, executing without justification, robbing the other people’s women and plundering wealth of the subjects. We remember that for Maquiavelo hatred is the seed plot of rebellions, reason why the prince to avoid them must act more humanitarian possible knowing, also, to show to firmness and cruelty at the precise and precise moments. In the combat operations, Maquiavelo says, the prince does not have to fear the fame of cruel. The fear to the death in the battle accompanies the troops, the fear to the prince can compensate that fear and only make it faithful. Really: ” as the men love according to their will and fear according to the will of the prince, a prudent prince must lean in which he is his and not in which he is of otro.