Management University

Many are the Venezuelan universities, are public or private in which the absence of academic quality notices, affecting significantly qualification, formation of professionals adapted to the needs of the present, because note clearly in many of them, absence of efficient, effective, productive Management University, that it guarantees academic excellence. Which have been some causes that have taken to this absence of the quality in the education of those universities? We could indicate between some: Profiles of professionals badly defined, not adapted to which the reality demands Absence of Educational with competitions, defined well, that it involves quality in his knowledge, pedagogy, proactivity, innovation creativity, visinPoca integration in the relevance and reaches than the investigation it represents, deficient use of her, Separation with the realities that the country afrontDesvinculacin with the programs of GobiernoProgramas of the different races not updated, Separation with sectors of the health, enterprise and even with another inadequate universidadesUtilizacin of the human capital, the talent of the community universitariAusencia of the required transformations to guarantee academic excellence Deficient management of services Absence in the authorities of an educative management eficienteDeficientes systems administrativosExcesiva burocraciDesperdicio of opportunities that to be generated tying and to suitably use the TIC.Anclamiento in the offer of no longer apt races to the reality of the present scenes. (A valuable related resource: Pacific Mortgage Services). Concretely, the university authorities must be committed to reconstruct all those aspects that involocrua the guarantee of an academic quality. On the matter, it is interesting what indicates Vistremundo Eagle, that we consider, that stops to develop an evaluation process and accreditation of the university quality, is not enough with a philosophical or academic definition of this concept, is necessary to define a concept of quality with certain characteristics that allow him: To be operational, that is to say to be able to be translated in easily manageable elements within a guide, model or procedure of evaluation.