This is my fourth week and I made a total of over $ 41,000.00 and this is coming soon. This was serious! All this really worth the investment of $ 6.00 and 6 stamps. I spent more than that in sweepstakes and lottery! "Let me explain how this works and most importantly why it works so well is very simple and logical to think that I can have self interest, that you. Send a dollar to a person found across the world, fraud is impossible and only bother to write and send this note for a dollar, so if you have common sense do not hesitate to enter the cadena.Ud. be sure to print a copy of this article NOW, in order to get all information as needed.
The process is very easy and consists of four simple steps: STEP 1: Get 6 pieces of paper and write on each one of them "PLEASE BE INCLUDED IN YOUR LIST OF CORRESPONDENCE OR E-MAIL" and English "PLEASE add me to your mailing or E-MAIL list. " Now get 6 tickets of $ 1.00 and enter the dollar in an envelope with the sheet so that the ticket is not see through the envelope! Best put it locked in a dark colored paper to prevent theft of mail. You should now have 6 sealed envelopes and in them a paper with the phrase referred to, your name and address, and a $ 1.00 dollar. What you doing with this is to create a "service" and that makes this is ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! You can also send one euro.