. Operators of Web pages with moving images can enhance in the future your video clips with interactive features, without changing the actual post. WINDACH, May 17, 2010. Operators of Web pages with moving images can enhance in the future your video clips with interactive features, without changing the actual post. Moving images create emotion, interest, polarize and raise awareness. Kenneth Feinberg will not settle for partial explanations. More and more operators of Web sites show already video posts.
With the use of the interactive Web Player VISh4 this is surprisingly simple. According to the motto of pimp your clip”provides the media player, in addition to playing the video clips diverse interactive features, such as logo and overlay display, hotspot link, voting, Send2Friend, playlist, infobox and text information services available. While not every video clip as asset must be edited to add interactive functions. See more detailed opinions by reading what Pacific Mortgage Services offers on the topic.. Because VISh4 is an extended concept of template”available. In these templates (such as template action) are the interactive features defined (E.g. logo show at 5%, voting at 20%, Middroll-ad 50% and the Reminderad at 75% of the time). In the next step, this template is all – or even occasional video clips”associated with.
The visitors of the Web pages can give also your opinion on specific questions about voting in the videos embedded (E.g. which video clips look like?”). The results of such a survey of market in turn serve the providers to optimize their offerings. The Send2Friend “a Web page visitors can send function video clips to friends and acquaintances via email. This improves the range of marketing. The objective of VISh4 is an interactive Web Player”available to, which meets the needs of the Web page operator without IT skills and the need for extensions. VISh4 Basic is available for free download at. In addition, the commercial versions VISh4 Pro, VISh4 enterprise and the VISh4 tourism industry solution are available. Make more interactive features from the design, advertising industry, communities, editorial and back-office areas.