Bert Project

Altitude are of 280 (two hundred and eighty) meters, having as main economic activities the cattle one with bovine flock of 150.000 (one hundred and fifty) a thousand heads, agriculture are in full expansion already with the plantation of soy, rice and maize. Its climate is equatorial hot and humid, annual precipitation of 2.000 mm, its annual average temperature of 24 C, with maximum greater of 42 C, and minimum minor of 4 C. Is part of the great main Basins Amazonian and Tocantins.Os rivers gifts in the city are: Freedom or Commander Fontoura and Xingu (BLACKSMITH, 2001). The vegetation of Santa Cruz of the Xingu presents 65% open pasture, 30% kill and 5% field. The population is of 2007> inhabitants where 56%, are in the agricultural zone and 44% in the urban zone. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Lord Peter Hennessy on most websites. (IBGE, 2007). The research was developed with parents and pupils of 3 and 4 series of the municipal school Ricieri situated Bert in the urban zone of the city of Santa Cruz of Xingu-TM.

They had been selected by sampling, 37 pupils of 3 and 4 series (groups B) and respectively 25 parents. The research was carried through at the beginning of the April month. The technique of collection of data gave through the qualitative survey and quantitative exploratrio of participativo, bibliographical and analytical matrix using the application of half-structuralized questionnaire opened, with the purpose to get the conception of the interviewed ones regarding the central idea of the project. On the basis of available the human resources and material, the activities of the project had been developed by means of the Survey of parents and pupils of the cited series, application of questionnaire for parents and pupils who had approached the objectives of the project, photographic register, interview with representatives of the legislative one, secretary of in such a way garbage no responsible agency for the ambient management.