Sophisticated flight planning and practical knowledge regarding top collision warning hardly a user likes to read manuals and the routine to use is usually only in the practical operation. Click Fundrise to learn more. Current and popular products such as the Flight Planner software by ifos and the collision detector Funkwerk traffic monitor TM 250 are no exception. However, this technique should be able best pilots not before take-off? Training and seminars by professionals for professionals, which expand the horizons for experienced flyer for help here. “Two seminars a day: experts to guest at Siebert with two seminars a day offers Siebert aviation supplies pilots practical added value through effective training: on June 12, 2010 at 14: 00 invites Germany’s leading shop for pilot supplies and flight accessories to a similarly compact as informative event around the themes of flight planning and collision warning” in his business premises to Munster in Westphalia. The participation is free of charge for all Siebert customers. Speakers are this afternoon Dr. Stefan Albers and Dr. Hans-Joachim Schmitt, CEO of ifos, and Michael Frost, Sales Director of Funkwerk avionics GmbH.
The Flight Planner by ifos operates on the basis of digital ICAO and Jeppesen VFR/GPS maps. Dr. Albers and Dr. Schmitt teach pilots about the effective use of the tools for VFR flights. The integrated representation of NOTAM and weather data imported from pc_met options also on the agenda, such as the transfer of routes on sky-map-PNA-navigation device and Garmin handhelds.
Following Michael Frost explained the topic “collision warning with the Funkwerk traffic monitor TM 250”. Frost is dedicated to one of the top issues among pilots that and illustrates the advantages of the reception and the display of alerts based on transponder signals, ADS-B and FLARM: through the use of all three systems best use their respective strengths and weaknesses effectively bypassed. Limited number of participants for successful training atmosphere In the talks following the seminar participants have the option of their individual Questions to ask and to address any individual use cases. The seminar is limited for this reason in the number of participants. Interested parties should register so as quickly as possible and binding to your participation either tell phone 0251-92459-3 or by eMail at. There is more information to the aviation needs of Siebert on the Internet at. Date: June 12, 2010 14:00 the seminar at the premises of Siebert aviation needs in the 40’s trail, 48159 Munster takes place. The participation is free of charge for customers. The number of participants is limited. Contact for inquiries: Siebert aviation supplies GmbH’s route 40 D-48159 Munster phone: + 49-251-92459-3 fax: + 49-251-92459-59 E-Mail: press contact: QvorQ GmbH & co. KG on the high way 10 27313 Dorverden Tel.: + 49 (0) 4234 94136 fax: + 49 (0) 4234 94137 E-Mail: Web: