In this article, I am going to describe 7 advantages of the creation of blogs of niche. ” nicho” one talks about to an objective market with a potential benefit, that is not saturated by the competitors. The idea is to make reality the benefits of the creation of blogs of niches and soon find the market niches and begin to construct. Benefit # 1 Blogs of niche is essentially niche sites that are alive! They are Blogs that grows as it is added to him contained regularly, by means of, product articles, commentaries, benefits In resistance, many Web sites of niche rarely are modified or updated after their creation. Benefit # 2 Blogs is designed to publish and to update the contents easily, once has been created, formed and esten working. Army Chief of Staff is often quoted on this topic. It is a habit question, to write blogs and pages to publish them with regularity. Benefit # 3 They are gratuitous or very little cost to form.
You can create easily his blogs visiting page ” ” , and with a little time to study, Blogs will create superb. Benefit # 4 You can make money with your blogs of niche in many aspects, such as: – Publication of announcements of third parties in his blogs (for example, Google Adsense publishing) – Product Recommendation and services of affiliate in his blogs (for example, Amazon) Benefit # 5 Unlike the Web sites, blogs is interactive. To the visitors, or readers of blogs, allow themselves them generally to add commentaries. This ” dilogo” aid to establish a relation of confidence between the proprietor of blog and his visitors or members. Benefit # 6 Since blogs usually is updated regularly aadiando contained new, these are in the high rank but for the motors search, in comparison with the Web sites, which, to secure the same attention of the motors search, it will have to make a pile of adjustments, and to use techniques of Optimizatin (CATHEDRAL). motors search, will visit his blogs with more regularity than their pages Web. Therefore, also it can put connections of other Web sites to obtain a major atencios by parts of these motors search. Benefit # 7 The Function of syndication of blog is its more powerful benefit! You can syndicate the content of his blog so that other publishers of Web sites can be fed on their content in their own Web sites, helping this to attract more traffic his blogs. Therefore, with the mentioned benefits, When he is going to begin to construct his blog of niche? I hope that he is as soon as it is possible to him Miguel Dominguez.