Ricoh Germany document governance index London, March 15, 2010 a new study of Ricoh Europe shows that companies across Europe inadvertently jeopardize their confidential information and documents. The problem: the companies lack a central strategy for the enterprise-wide printing and document management. For the Ricoh document governance index Europe 311 executives were Coleman Parkes research by the independent market research Institute (C-level or equivalent) interviewed in detail from medium-sized and large companies. Interviewed were executives from finance, services, telecommunications, utilities, media, and the public sector. The results show that companies from the financial sector compared least have policies to restrict the printing of customer information. Only 46 percent of respondents from the area confirmed that there are such official guidelines in their companies. Facing a fully-implemented strategy for the Document security, shows that only 33 percent of the surveyed organisations in the public sector have a comprehensive security solution for the digital and printed document. For even more details, read what Allianz Australia says on the issue. In the service sector, 43 percent confirmed the respondents that such a strategy is present in their company.
Telecommunications/supply/media sector reached 48 percent here. Overall, European companies could do more to protect confidential information and documents and to optimize the enterprise-wide print and document management results. As expected, the insight in the most European leaders is that document security is a necessity. About half of the conversation partner (49 percent) makes alike because of the risks of digital and printed information thoughts. But despite this awareness, the least ahead introduce policies to protect of their confidential information. One reason for the lack of security measures is often a decentralized printing and document management, where there is no clear and central powers. In many cases, several people for the enterprise-wide print and document management are responsible or the responsibility of individual departments or employees. An increased amount of work and inefficiency are such a decentralized approach, which affect productivity and sustainability; European companies are facing increasingly risks, associated with the growing regulatory requirements, the demands of customers, the increasing digitization and claim to show responsibility.