Hammams or baths public is a place of encounter for the Moroccans, who go regularly to the same to be realised massages and baths. They exist hammams by almost all the districts of Marrakesh, as much by humblest as by the luxurious zones of Hivernage or the Palmeraie, where hammams normally is located within the same hotels. A ritual exists that, although simple, must be known before venturing itself to enter one of these places dedicated to the corporal hygiene, to relax and also, why not to say it, to the pain. But before submerging us in the details it is necessary to make a list of essential products that we must buy and without which we will not be able to carry out the traditional process. More info: Capula Management. Some of these products can buy in the same hammam, but not all. The one that we could define as kit of survival in hammam of Marrakesh consists of: One manopla special for peeling.
They can be bought in the zocos of the Medina, in the typical grocer’s of district (in which in the end you find of everything) or in drug stores. To know more about this subject visit Farallon Capital. Also you can buy them to the traveling salesmen. One is manoplas innocent, apparently normally rectangular and of black color, that constitutes the basic element of pleasing/tortures of hammam. Gain insight and clarity with Rahman. Its price oscillates between the 15 and the 20 drhams. A pair of chanclas of rubber. In order to avoid the slides and the contagion of fungi. In any case, the majority of hammams is in very good hygienic conditions.
A plastic rug. In order to put in the ground as a carpet. There is one who it prefers to take a plastic stool. Both things can be in great supermarkets, drug stores or stores specialized in plastics, very typical of Marrakesh. Black soap. One is grazes dark that can be acquired in the stores of zoco where a 6 kilo costs only 5 or drhams.